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Mössbauer Velocity Transducer

MVT-1000 is the top model of the WissEl velocity transducer line. It is equipped with NdFeB and SmCo5 high field magnets. The solidly built construction, based on a massive steel housing, furthermore the small moving mass and the power of its drive magnet system, make it suited for operation in a wide velocity range. Equipped with high velocity springs and controlled by a high velocity drive unit it can reach velocities of far more than 1000 mm/s  (see High Velocity Drive Systems ) .
Due to its very compact design and the absence of magnetic fringe fields in the middle of its drive tube, the MVT-1000 is very well suited for bidirectional Mössbauer sources (details on request).

General Specifications
NdFeB and SmCo5
Steel, nickel plated
Guide springs
Fiberglass enforced epoxi
Velocity Range
0 ... +/- 300 mm/s
(0 ... > 1000 mm/s in high velocity version)
Resonance frequency
~ 25 Hz
Calibration constant
ca. 25 mm/s per Volt
(at resonance frequeny
and normal load)
+/- 0,5 %o in a sinusoidal mode
+/- 1,5 %o in a triangular mode
better than 0.15 % up to +/- 100 mm/s
138 mm
108 mm
4.5 kg
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