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NIM Bin with Power Supply

Line Voltage
(internal wiring change)
220 V / 235 V / 250 V
105 V / 117 V / 130 V
+ 10 % - 12 % 47 / 63 Hz
Output voltage regulation
< 0.05 % (+ 6V: 0.5%)
Long term stability
better than 3E-3
Temperature stability
better than 0.01% per °C (0°C - 60°C)
Noise and ripple
< 3 mVpp
Output impedance
0.3 Ω
Recovery timme
+ 0.1 %: 100 μs +6 V: 1 % 100 μs
Current limiting
120 % (fold back type)
Short circuit current
25 % of nominal current
Temperature range
0 - 50°C ( 50°C - 60°C: -3% per °C)
Temperature warning
Pilot lamp
Voltages, Current- and Power-Rating
± 6 V
8 A
± 12 V
2 A
± 24 V
3 A
117 VAC
0.5 A
180 Watt
+ 6 V
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