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WinNormos-for-Igor Software Package consisting of WinSite and WinDist

WinNormos-for-Igor is meant for solving almost all common types of problems encountered in Mössbauer spectroscopy. A user-friendly new version combines the old DOS routines Normos Site and Dist into one package within graphing and analysis program Igor1

All features of the well known and trusted DOS Normos programme package are incorporated.

All Mössbauer isotopes are possible and can be chosen at run time. Most are predefined and can be chosen by using a simple switch.

True transmission integral fits (non distribution fits)

Static Hamiltonian solved exactly for any isotope.

Many special cases solved exactly.

Any spectrum format for spectra (can be specified at run time)

Automatic folding of spectra: triangular or sinusoidal velocity. Correction for non flat baselines up to fourth order polynomial can be taken into account.

Velocity calibration from WissEl laser drive files is possible.

"Workspace" environment of spectra and fits can be stored and recovered later, including all numerical results. Template files used to start treating new spectra. These are then stored as an Igor “experiment”, including all numerical and graphical results. Later, the new Igor “experiment” is re-started, providing the user with all the results and fits stored. Thus the user can store different projects as different experiments.

Automatic generation of reports in Rich Text Format (readable in Word) is possible, as well as export of spectrum graphics and results in almost any format.

Fast, stable code as compiled extension to Igor program. Numerical calculations done by compiled external program, graphics done by script files included in Igor Template (which are easily changed by user for specific purposes).

1Igor is from WaveMetrics Inc. and a brochure as well as a demo programme can be downloaded from www.wavemetrics.com. Igor Pro runs under Mac OS 8, 9, Mac OS X, as well as Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP (there is also a Japanese version).

The Experiment contains a graphical panel with a series of "tab cards". The first tab card "Spectrum" seen above is for reading-in spectra and folding (as necessary) as well as defining the velocity scale. The panel shows a demonstration file loaded into Igor. The raw spectrum is shown on the lower left. Any number of different spectra (with different names) can be read-in using the "Read-in New Spectrum" tab, and selected using the pull-down menu at the top of the left side of the panel.


The program for treating a discrete set of subspectra, each representing different values of the hyperfine constants, is accessed through the 2nd and 3rd tab cards. The 2nd tab (Site-Data) card sets up the general fitting conditions and selects fitting parameters which refer to the whole spectrum.
Constant parameters are on the left side of the panel, and possibly variable parameters on the right side. On the left side there are also fields showing the convergence. The names of the parameters are the same as used before in the DOS version, making a transition easier. In the list of variables, checking the check-box will select that as to be varied. If the check-box is grey, the corresponding parameter cannot be varied, but perhaps changed before the fit. If the check box is grey and the arrows to the right of the numeric field absent, the field indicates a constant value which cannot be changed by the user. If there is no name to the left of the check-box, then the field is not used at all. Fitting is started by clicking the "Do Fit" button with "Fit" selected from the pull-down menu. Otherwise, a zero-fit trial can also be done. The "Do Report" button will construct an Igor Notebook window including the graphics and numerical results. This can be printed out and/or stored separately in "RTF"-format (readable in Word, for example). In addition, a table of results and a separate graphical window will be generated. The graphical window can be edited via all Igor commands, and stored in any convenient format. The table can be copied to the clip board and put into any program with arrays of numbers for plotting independent of Normos or Igor (for example, in Excel or Origin...).


The Dist-Data, Dist-Block and Dist-Xls panels are for using the Distribution program. This program is intended to treat problems including a distribution of hyperfine parameters (and thus the name) mainly useful for metallic glasses, etc. The distribution can be either in hyperfine magnetic field Bhf, quadrupole splitting EQ, or isomer shift. The possible applications of this program range from very simple to very complex and specialized.

The main possibilities are:

1/2-3/2 Mössbauer transitions (57Fe, 119Sn, 197Au standard).

Distributions in Bhf, EQ or ISO. Any combination is acceptable.

Including separate sub-spectra for crystallized components useful
For partially crystallized amorphous or nano-crystalline materials.

Including different correlation effects between hyperfine parameters
such as hyperfine field Bhf and isomer shift , or hyperfine field
and quadrupole effect EQ .

Different types of distribution profiles and line forms including
Gaussian and Voigt form distributions.

Polarized source experiments with spin-texture evaluation.

The main Dist-Data panel sets the constants applying to the whole spectrum

The Block tab is used to define one or a series of distribution blocks. For each block, set number of subspectra, width, lambda, beta1 and beta2 as well as the type of distribution and the type of the subspectra. The starting value of the histogram (example BHF) and step value (for example DTB) are on the right side of the panel. Note that for a histogram fit, these two cannot be set as variable, but their values can be changed.

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