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Mössbauer Furnace

 Operating gas: Air, oxygen, nitrogen, inert gases, halogens

  The construction of the furnace enables to change the operating gas without disassembling the furnace or dismounting the sample

  Air cooling

  Sample holder of steel with high nickel content is resistant against agressive gases at high temperatures

The Mössbauer Furnace MBF-1100 is designed for Mössbauer effect measurements in vacuum or gas in a temperature range from the room temperature up to 1000°C (1100° C for a short time). The heart of the furnace is a quartz tube, which contains the sample holder and the two inner heat screens. The heater of the furnace is coiled on the outer surface of the tube. The heat isolation of the tube against the steel housing consists of kaolin cotton. Isolation vacuum is not required. Nevertheless the maximum temperature of the housing does not exceed approximately 180°C . Two pipe connections can be used to evacuate the inner part of the furnace, to fill it with gas or to produce a continuous gas flow. The furnace is equipped with two windows at each side. The outer windows consist of mylar foil, whereas the inner heat screens are made of a 15 mm thick aluminum foil. The absorption of the 14.4 keV radiation of 57Co by through these windows is less than 1 %. The housing of the sample holder is made of heat and corrosion-resistant steel with high Ni content. Powder samples may be located between plates of boron nitride inside the Ni housing. A Chromel®-Alumel® thermocouple measures the temperature at the site of the sample. A sturdy tube at the bottom of the housing is used to mount the furnace to the mechanical setup of the Mössbauer spectrometer. Optionally the furnace can be equipped with an special adapter for WissEl Mössbauer benches. Well suited for a precise temperature controlling is WissEl Temperature Controller TR55.

Temperature range of sample
Room temperature ... 1000°C (1100°C for a short time)
Surface temperature of housing
< 180°C
Temperature gradient of sample
< 5 %
Temperature sensor for sample
Chromel®-Alumel® thermocouple
Max. heating voltage
40 V
Max. heating current
~ 3.5 A
Temperature gradient of sample
< 5 %
Operating media
air, oxygen, nitrogen, vacuum, inert gases, halogens
Cooling agent
Diameter of the Mössbauer absorber
17 mm
diameter 100 mm

length 135 mm over all
~ 1,3 kg
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