The temperature controller TR-55 is designed for controlling the temperature of the Mössbauer Furnace MBF-1100. It is equipped with a special output stage supplying sufficient power for heating up the furnace MBF-1100. A type K thermocouple (Cromel®-Alumel®) inside the furnace MBF-1100 is used as temperature sensor for automatic temperature control. Cromel® and Alumel® are registered trademarks of Hoskins Manufacturing Company FEATURES - Maximum temperature 1100°C (for long term measurements 1000°C)
- Auto-tune facility for automatic measuring of the temperature control circuit
- Pulse width controlled output for heating device
- Built-in temperature control module EUROTHERM 3216 with many programmable functions
- Setting temperature control parameters via push buttons at the front panel of the EUROTHERM module
- Remote control by an optional software (setting temperature control parameters and reading measuring values) via RS 232C serial interface